Our employment specific manual handling training programs are extremely popular due to the quality of our courses.
This is reflected in high attendance rates, compliance to learned techniques in the workplace, retention of information and injury prevention results.
Many businesses include our training on their annual employee training schedules.
Our courses take place within realistic training environments and cover key topics such as:
- Spinal awareness and back care
- Manual handling hazards
- Manual handling injuries and the activities which cause them
- Manual handling assessment
- Safe handling principles
- Ergonomics
- Inanimate load handling
- Mechanical aids
- Fitness
- Responsibilities imposed by the Manual Handling Operations Regulations
- Controversial techniques
- Team handling and communication
- Practical applications
- Appropriate management of aches and pains and injuries
As well as presenting manual handling classes, our team of therapists, through our intimate knowledge of the workplace and how our bodies operate within their environments can develop these programs for you across all levels of your organisation. We understand that few jobs can be performed with faultless manual handling technique at all times. For this reason, we focus on an individual task’s specific movement demands and provide meaningful actions/methods to reduce injury risk.
Our manual handling classes are a competency based, practical and interactive. We focus on the prevention and management of manual handling injuries in the workplace. The structure of the program is tailored to the individual needs of the company, in light of the particular working conditions and the nature of injuries most commonly suffered by employees.
In delivering our manual handling training packages we strive to educate and empower workers, to identify risk, and make appropriate choices with regard to their manual handling technique. As well as presenting the basic manual handling principles, we place a significant onus on real world applications and problem solving, to encourage individual behaviour change. We aim to improve your worker’s understanding and appreciation for their body and how loads affect its ability to perform task safely over a period of time.